A simple gradient image transitioning from a darker navy blue in the corners to a lighter blue towards the center, displaying concentric abstract lines.

Constructable’s Core Values

A diverse group of professionals in a meeting, with a smiling black man writing the core values on a whiteboard, engaged in an interactive discussion with colleagues. Logo of "constructable" in the corner

Constructable’s Core Values

It matters who you do business with. Reputation, trust, reliability, and stability are vitally important features when making decisions, often more so than even having the lowest price. These values exist on a continuum from only a superficial part of a company’s practice, only in place for marketing purposes, or can be a deep part of who a company or contractor is, so much so that you could call them “core values” of the company you work with. The extent of these core values being truly a part of your practice and every day work demonstrates the integrity that matches who a company is supposed to be. This integrity instills trust and speed to do business. The greatest example of trust and speed to do business is Warren Buffett buying the McLane Company after a two-hour meeting and a handshake. Yes, he bought a multi-billion dollar company with no due diligence done, just the trust between Buffett and Walmart Corporation to sell with integrity.

Integrity is key.

Integrity is key. And core values from any company usually extoll their focus on what they think their integrity does. Companies with lofty goals for how to treat customers are a dime a dozen. But ones who stick to their values and deliver what they promise; now there is someone worth doing business with. Anyone who does business with you can affect you greatly, for good or for bad, especially in the construction arena where such projects in expanding and maintaining your business are critical. Simply put, because your project is too important to fail in this area, you need to find the company with the right core values and who sticks to them.

Being Core-Values-Driven

Constructable is core-values-driven, meaning that we are both composed and directed by what we value most so that every project and all our work reflects who we are. Today we examine Constructable’s core values below, the demonstration of our integrity and the reason to trust our collaborative construction process: collected, centered, charged, and committed.


“Collected” signifies how Constructable interacts with internal employees, external customers, subcontractors, and suppliers. This core value contains both sense of teamwork and calmness under pressure; it shows the ability to operate under stress through consistent and concerted effort.


For example, the construction site is commonly a place where tempers can easily flare for several reasons. Constructable values “collected” sites and attitudes in that we treat people right, do not get into arguments, do not let anything get out of control, and lead by calm and collected example. It is important to us that we treat everyone on site right, that we set the tone for the site, and that the business of advancing our projects is done in a professional manner.


How have we exhibited the core value of “collected” on our project sites? The constantly-changing site conditions can ruin a day’s plan of work more quickly than anything. Indeed, in one of our sites near the Gulf Coast we experienced a tropical storm, flooding all the sitework done to that point. Some subcontractors responded poorly, but Constructable did not panic. We simply, methodically worked through our processes and systems, bringing in pumps, extra workers, and repairing the site for more excavation and concrete pours. We expended significant amounts of our own project budget to ensure it progressed. This was out of our own margin, not complaining, over charging, or asking for assistance because we know that we set the tone; we plan for contingencies; we say what happens on the site; we make it move forward. This is the very definition of collected to us.


“Centered” signifies that our projects are stable and secure, creating an environment that is collaborative and free from ego. This core value is how we win together with our project stakeholders; we do not care who gets the credit as long as the project moves forward successfully. And when that happens, there is plenty of credit to go around.


For example, it is very easy to lose focus on what is most important among the tasks and work to be done. The steady stream of challenges that present themselves on a project, the never-ending lack of enough time to do all that we want to do, the disparate needs and personalities that work on our sites, the team that needs to be unified with consistent effort, all these things threaten to derail the strict focus on the critical path of a project. And it is all these things that Constructable manages, delegates, tames, and reprioritizes to keep a strong focus on the center of making progress for our customers.


How have we exhibited the core value of “centered” on our project sites? Change is required, but it is not done for change’s sake. We conduct our construction with a careful and strong focus on doing things rightly, with plans and requirements followed to the letter, not deviating, and ensuring the quality of those who work underneath us. We will commonly re-prioritize or redirect efforts to keep the focus on the critical path. Any egos that crop up are not tolerated; we win together with our team collaboratively and so that everyone enjoys the experience; and that experience is completion, not worrying about who comes out on top. We are in this for the long-term, building strong business relationships with our customers, partners, subcontractors, and suppliers.


“Charged” signifies the energy, ambition, and desire to continually improve as an individual and as a company in service of our customers. We exhibit all the qualities and skill of an “A player” and never stop improving upon it. We show up every day and show up happily, excitedly to have a great project to be a part of, to use our many skills in service of something great, and do even the smallest things with excellence. And this is all because we are charged for great projects.


For example, sites will be cleaned vigorously, continually. No small things escape our oversight as we dare to do better in all areas. We do not get out of control in our ambition to improve and produce, but we do, at all times, keep our eyes on improvement. We only enlist team members who are like-minded and ready to give their best on each project.


How have we exhibited the core value of “charged” on our project sites? Every team member is carefully introduced to our processes before they even set foot on the site. Each one is required to conduct himself or herself with professionalism and safety, and inducted in our charged process. Visit any of our job sites and you will see workers happily and energetically doing the trades they love, using carefully-honed skills to bring something to reality that was not originally standing. The thrill of a project is in the air; and anyone who visits a site can recognize it. The excitement is infectious and the projects extraordinary.


“Committed” signifies integrity in all situations. We will treat each person with integrity, demonstrating that we do business honestly. This integrity means that you can count on us to do what we say we will. Even if a project takes a turn south, we will not abandon it, but will methodically “right the ship” to finish. Only our customer can tell us when something is done in their eyes or not. And we await that approval through our committed process.


For example, any external constantly-changing prices, schedules, and priorities might threaten budgets or schedules, but Constructable is sure to deliver projects still on time and under budget. Our commitment from pre-construction will be what you can count on when it comes time to build. Our commitments made during a project will be followed through every time.


How have we exhibited the core value of “committed” on our project sites? We stay on site until the job is done right. We worked to our customer’s satisfaction, issuing warranties that we follow through with as a demonstration of our commitment to do things right every time. Our customer must affix their seal of approval firmly on the project. And we do all this because we are committed to do what we say. We follow through as a second nature, building every project into reality for our customers.


Constructable is core-values-driven, meaning that we are both composed and directed by what we value most so that every project and all our work reflects who we are.


Here at Constructable: We are bound and led by our core values. Projects done together are done right and we all win in the service of completion. We know that you will enjoy how we lead your project. Let us start a proposal for you by clicking HERE.

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